MK Zoabi apologizes to Knesset usher after 'attack'
Apology comes after MK accused of attacking usher charged with removing her from chamber; Knesset workers union: Apology ends affair.
By STAFFBalad MK haneen zuabi 311(photo credit: Ariel Jerzolomiski [file])
MK Haneen Zoabi (Balad) on Tuesday sent a personal letter to the Knesset usher who she was accused of attacking last week during a session discussing the anti-boycott bill. Zoabi was seen swinging her arms as she was escorted out of the Knesset plenum."Following the incident on Wednesday, 13 July 2011, I am sending you this personal letter," Zoabi wrote to the usher. "Firstly, I would like to emphasize that I apologize to you if during the incident I hurt you in any way."RELATED:Haneen Zoabi suspended from Knesset over Gaza flotilla Complaint to Knesset c'tee: Zoabi attacked usher The Balad MK continued, "I wasn't aware and it wasn't my intention to push or hurt you. I only tried to free myself and I have respect for you and for your work."I do not have and have never had any complaints about you. My clarifications and apologies were immediately and widely published after the incident, [which] I did of my free will and without anybody asking me to do so," Zoabi wrote.A Knesset committee meeting was held Tuesday to discuss the incident. Head of the Knesset Workers Union Haim Ayavi said during the session, "We received Zoabi's apologies. We asked her to apologize so that the incident doesn't repeat itself."Ayavi added, "We view her apology as the end of the affair."Also speaking at the special committee session was MK Alex Miller (Israel Beiteinu), who accused Zoabi of brutality and called for her to be tried in court."MK Zoabi tried to bring the violent spirit of the [Mavi] Marmara to the Knesset plenum," Miller said. "She acted violently and with brutality toward Knesset ushers and therefore she should stand trial as if she attacked a police officer in the line of duty."