Syria: 'Don't kill more than 20 protesters in one day'

March 23 Syrian intelligence document details strategy to counter rebel sentiment, create links between rebels, "Zionist regime."

Syria Pro-government rally 311 (photo credit: REUTERS)
Syria Pro-government rally 311
(photo credit: REUTERS)
A document allegedly drafted by top Syrian intelligence officers, which details strict guidelines for carrying out rebel assassinations, infiltrating anti-regime organizations and distributing propaganda sound bites and images, has been published on Facebook.
Among the instructions handed down to security forces was an order to limit the number of protesters killed in one day to 20 people. The limited killing, the document says, was necessary in order to control international anger about the Assad regime's use of force against civilians, Israel Radio reported.
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The document calls for anti-rebel forces to create links between government protesters and the US and Israel. In a translated version published in an report on Wednesday, a media campaign connecting "the anti-regime demonstrations and protests to figures hated by the Syrian populace such as the usual Saudi and Lebanese figures, and connecting the lot of them to Zionism and to America" is laid out.
Syrian President Bashar Assad is referred to as "our highest symbol" in the text.
The document is divided into two sections: A "detailed plan" and a breakdown of a potential revolutions "political economic factor." 
The "detailed plan" involves "an intensive media campaign accusing the protesters and the enemies of being agents of Saudi Arabia, Israel and America," banning journalists from protest sites, and planting plain-clothes security and "eyewitnesses" in political hot spots to deliver rehearsed quotations and feedback.
Details of "political economic factor" include staged marches in support of Assad, lowering the prices of fuel and food in order to bolster public support, and agreeing to "some of the Kurdish demands."

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The veracity of the document could not be verified by US officials, who were in possession of the document.  The Syrian embassy refused to comment.
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