Alleged "Galant document" forger changes his story again.
By YAAKOV LAPPINHarpaz 311(photo credit: Channel 10)
Lt.-Col. (res.) Boaz Harpaz, suspected of forging the “Galant Document,” retracted a confession made over the weekend that he fabricated the paper, his lawyers said on Sunday at the Petah Tikva Magistrate’s Court.The announcement was made during a remand hearing in which police and Harpaz’s attorneys, Yaron Kostlitch and Yehiel Vinrot, agreed to extend Harpaz’s custody until Wednesday.RELATED:Harpaz admits to Galant paper forgeryFrontlines: The unusual suspectHarpaz told investigators over the weekend that he forged the document on his own.Earlier, he claimed he received the document in an envelope while sitting at a cafe, but later claimed it was faxed to him by an unknown individual.On Sunday, Harpaz claimed his forgery confession was the result of intense police pressure.Harpaz also refused to undergo a lie-detector test, the police representative, Ch.-Supt. Nir Arazi, told the court.Harpaz’s contradictory testimonies have fueled speculation that he could be covering up for other IDF officers who may have been involved in the forgery.