Anti-Israel activist Galloway says 3 ships to leave Sept. 18.
A flotilla of ships titled the "Viva Palestina" convoy will leave from London, Casablanca in Morroco and Doha in Qatar on September 18, according to an opinion article by George Galloway in Friday's edition of the British socialist daily the Morning Star.The flotilla will seek to break Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip.RELATED:'Galloway misled public over sum raised for Gaza'Turkey announces own flotilla probeGalloway states in the article that now that the siege on Gaza is being condemned by the EU, UN, many governments and every major international aid agency, "we are at a moment when pressure can be brought to bear as never before to frustrate Israel's moves to crush the Palestinians."Galloway expressed encouragement at British Prime Minister David Cameron's speech from last month in Turkey in which he equated Gaza to a prison camp and condemned Israel for the raid on the Mavi Marmara in which nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed by IDF naval commandos.In addition to the launching of the new flotilla to take advantage of the momentum that has built up against the blockade, Galloway called for the nations of the world to isolate Israel as apartheid South Africa was isolated in order to challenge the Jewish state's "criminal policy."Galloway, a former British MP and veteran anti-Israel activist, first announced plans for the "Viva Palestina" flotilla in June, shortly after attending the funerals of the Turkish activists killed aboard the Mavi Marmara.Israel is currently conducting a probe into the raid of the Mavi Marmara led by former Supreme Court justice Jacob Turkel. The UN is carrying out an international investigation into the flotilla led by former New Zealand prime minister Geoffrey Palmer.