Watch army-released video footage of the Gaza-flotilla raid.
By STAFFGaza Flotilla 311(photo credit: ASSOCIATED PRESS)
The IDF released footage of the Monday raid on the "Free Gaza" flotilla, which depicted the activists upon the ship attacking soldiers with various weapons, including a large metal pole and other metal objects.In the IDF takeover, at least 15 activists were killed and dozens were injured.In a brief interview with the soldiers who were aboard the ships, one soldier said that the attack "looked like the Ramallah lynch."Earlier Monday armed Navy ships escorted boats from the Gaza protest flotilla to Ashdod, hours after IDF soldiers and activists clashed in a fatal raid.International activists aboard the ships opened fire on IDF soldiers who boarded the ships to prevent them from breaking the Israeli-imposed sea blockade, the IDF said Monday.According to the IDF, the international activists “prepared a lynch” for the soldiers who boarded the ships at about 2 a.m. Monday morning after the soldiers called on them to stop, or follow them to the Ashdod Port several hours earlier.