IDF women’s favorite beauty products of 2024

For some, these products have been a boon in the face of the harsh desert weather and the difficult conditions for maintaining clean and healthy skin in times of war.

 Women in the IDF (illustrative). (photo credit: IDF/Reuters)
Women in the IDF (illustrative).
(photo credit: IDF/Reuters)

The Israel-Hamas war has left the country heartbroken and depleted of positivity. So many lives have been lost, so many families torn apart, and so many young men and women sent out to bravely fight for their country.

IDF women have been central in this effort. Whether they are combat soldiers, combat support, or staying out of the action, every cog in the well-oiled machine that is the Israel Defense Forces is central to the everyday operations conducted by the military to ensure the safety and security of our little country and its inhabitants.

So, we wanted to offer them a chance to speak out this week in honor of International Women’s Day. Many of them reached out to tell us what their favorite beauty products have been since joining the military.

For some, these products have been a boon in the face of the harsh desert weather and the difficult conditions for maintaining clean and healthy skin in times of war.

 IDF women’s favorite beauty products of 2024 (credit: Companies mentioned)
IDF women’s favorite beauty products of 2024 (credit: Companies mentioned)

CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser

NIS 89.90 | 473 ml.

CeraVe has seemingly been the saving grace for IDF soldiers, as it appears twice in this week’s list.

“I used to have super bad acne issues, and it turned out it was because of dry skin,” said Aliza, a combat reservist in the Moran unit. “As soon as I stopped using acne-focused products and started using this, it really helped. Because of that, it’s important for me to wash my face, even when I am in [the field] for weeks on end in the army [where people] don’t wash their faces or anything and only brush their teeth.

“But to me, washing my face is a no-brainer,” she concluded. “When you don’t have a shower accessible, washing your face is something you can do to help yourself feel refreshed and clean, and it’s also important since you are covered in dirt and sweat in the [field] in the army.”

CeraVe SA Smoothing Cleanser

NIS 79.90 | 236 ml.

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Another effective cleanser by CeraVe is the smoothing cleanser, which contains salicylic acid.

“I serve in the [field], where we use water tanks – aka not the cleanest water – so naturally, I’m prone to breakouts,” said Zemade, a combat soldier in a classified unit.

“This cleanser is the only one I’ve tried that keeps them at bay.”

Narciso Rodriguez For Her Musc Noir Rose

NIS 555 | 100 ml.

Multiple soldiers praised this delicious perfume for having an addictive scent and a lingering presence.

“This is the only perfume that lasts a long, hot day in the army, that I always get compliments with,” said Noa, a combat medic. “Most of the day I am outdoors, so being able to still smell amazing really says something about this fragrance.”

While the perfume is primarily available at Super-Pharm, Noa recommended looking in the Kaveret, a chain of shops inside army bases that offer special discounts for soldiers.

Nuxe Huile Multi-Purpose Dry Oil

NIS 115 | 50 ml.

Nuxe’s luxurious, multi-purpose oil seeps into the skin and hair and allows your body to absorb the nutrients provided by the natural oils, all without creating that greasy finish often found in oil-based products.

“The army is really all about simplicity,” said Mai, a combat soldier in a classified unit. “I love to use this oil because it covers all aspects of the things I need. From silky hair to making sure I still smell half decent by the end of the day, this oil covers it all.”

Fré C Me Vitamin C Serum

NIS 295 | 30 ml.

In the IDF, having to operate constantly makes it very difficult to find the time to get proper sleep and care for one’s skin.

That’s why Lal, a soldier from the Nevatim army base, says that Fré C Me Vitamin C Serum was a lifesaver for her.

The serum reduces dark spots and pigmentation, as well as the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, which is perfect for someone running about exhausted all day.

“During the height of the war, we were working 16-hour shifts. I didn’t have time to go back to my room to do anything but sleep, so my skin went downhill,” said Lal. “The serum really helped it bounce back to the way it was.”

Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions

NIS 349 | Four products

Clinique’s anti-blemish line is not to be trifled with. Time and time again, these products have been recognized for their life-altering effects on people with blemish-prone skin.

“I purchased this as a gift set, seeing as I have acne-prone skin and serve in the field,” said Mirel, a combat soldier from a classified unit. “I am very likely to break out badly. This is the only thing that has kept my skin this clear in a long time, and I love how easy and simple it is to use.”