Libyan rebels fight back military, shoot down aircraft

Protesters capture plane's crew, witness says; Gaddafi troops reportedly surrounding city of Zawiya, protesters remain defiant.

Libya rebels waiting for a fight 311 Reu (photo credit: Asmaa Waguih / Reuters)
Libya rebels waiting for a fight 311 Reu
(photo credit: Asmaa Waguih / Reuters)
Opponents of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi have held off an attack by pro-government forces near the town of Misrata and shot down a military aircraft, a witness told Reuters on Monday.
Misrata is 200 km (125 miles) east of the Libyan capital. "An aircraft was shot down this morning while it was firing on the local radio station. Protesters captured its crew," said the witness, Mohamed.
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"Fighting to control the military air base (near Misrata) started last night and is still going on. Gaddafi's forces control only a small part of the base. Protesters control a large part of this base where there is ammunition."
"Misrata is still under the control of the protesters," he said.
Also on Monday, rebels holding Zawiyah, only 50 km (30 miles) west of Tripoli, said about 2,000 troops loyal to Gaddafi had surrounded the city.
"We will do our best to fight them off. They will attack soon," said a former police major who switched sides and joined the rebellion. "If we are fighting for freedom, we are ready to die for it."
Residents even in parts of the capital Tripoli have thrown up barricades against government forces. A general in the east of the country, where Gaddafi's power has evaporated, told Reuters his forces were ready to help rebels in the west.
"Our brothers in Tripoli say: `We are fine so far, we do not need help'. If they ask for help we are ready to move," said General Ahmed el-Gatrani, one of most senior figures in the mutinous army in Benghazi.
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Analysts said they expect rebels to eventually take the capital and kill or capture Gaddafi, but add that he has the firepower to foment chaos or civil war -- a prospect he and his sons have warned of.
Serbian television quoted Gaddafi as blaming foreigners and al Qaeda for the unrest and condemning the UN Security Council for imposing sanctions and ordering a war crimes inquiry.
"The people of Libya support me. Small groups of rebels are surrounded and will be dealt with," he said.
Residents of Zawiyah told of fierce fighting against pro-Gaddafi paramilitaries armed with heavy weapons.
"Gaddafi is crazy. His people shot at us using rocket-propelled grenades," said a man who gave his name as Mustafa. Another man called Chawki said: "We need justice. People are being killed. Gaddafi's people shot my nephew."
'Libyan air force bombs radio station'
But Libyan exile groups said later aircraft were firing on the city's radio station.
In the eastern city of Benghazi, opponents of the 68-year-old leader said they had formed a National Libyan Council to be the "face" of the revolution, but it was unclear who they represented.
They said they wanted no foreign intervention and had not made contact with foreign governments.
The "Network of Free Ulema," claiming to represent "some of Libya's most senior and most respected Muslim scholars", issued a statement urging "total rebellion" against Gaddafi and endorsing the formation of an "interim government" announced two days ago.
France will send two planeloads of medical aid to the Libyan city of Benghazi, held by opponents of Gaddafi, marking the start of a humanitarian operation, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said on Monday.