In eulogy for Osama bin Laden, al-Qaida leader in Yemen says jihad against Jews and Americans will be "more intense and harmful."
By STAFFal wahishi 311(photo credit: REUTERS)
The leader of al-Qaida in Yemen warned on Wednesday that jihad will intensify after Osama bin Laden was killed by US commandos, AFP reported."Do not think of the battle superficially ... What is coming is greater and worse, and what is awaiting you is more intense and harmful," Nasir al-Wahishi reportedly said.RELATED:Pakistan may let US question bin Laden wives'Bin Laden warned US not to support Israel in last tape'"The ember of jihad is brighter," Wahishi wrote on an Islamist website, reportedly adding that the US should not think that the "matter will be over" now that bin Laden is dead."We promise Allah that we will remain firm in the covenant and that we will continue the march, and that the death of the sheikh will only increase our persistence to fight the Jews and the Americans in order to take revenge," Wahishi said in his eulogy for bin Laden.He added that bin Laden was killed "while his hand was on teh trigger, fighting the enemies of Allah without tiring or surrendering," AFP reported."Let the enemies of Allah know that we are determined to take revenge," Wahishi said.