'Abbas says he'll plan elections with Hamas, but won't run'
PA president tells senior Fatah members that he'll discuss elections with Hamas's Mashaal in Cairo, wont seek reelection, 'Al-Hayat' reports.
By jpost.1eye.us STAFFPA President Abbas with Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal 311 (R)(photo credit: REUTERS/Ho New)Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas reportedly told members of his Fatah faction on Mondaythat he plans to discuss Palestinian elections with Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal when the two meet in Cairo later this month. However, Abbas said he would not run for office again, London-based daily Al-Hayat reported.Elections for the PA presidency and the National Legislative Council will be held in May, 2012, and Abbas asked the senior Fatah officials to make serious preparations for the polls, according to the report.RELATED:Mashaal: Palestinians' common enemy is Israel Netanyahu urges Abbas to cancel Fatah-Hamas unity deal Abbas reminded his fellow party members that he had warned them months ago about upcoming elections, and reaffirmed that he will not run for reelection, as he has said before, Al-Hayat reported.He urged the Fatah officials to agree upon another candidate.The Fatah and Hamas leaders spoke on the telephone this week when Mashaal called Abbas in order to wish him a happy Id al-Adha, Israel Radio reported Monday.