Blast causes concrete roof to collapse on house inhabited by elderly couple; woman's body found in kitchen, husband arrives hours later.
By STAFFA gas explosion caused the roof of a home in Hadera to collapse Wednesday morning killing an elderly woman. Paramedics said the woman was approximately 75-years-old.Firefighting crews and paramedics arrived on the scene and put out a fire caused by the explosion..The home was inhabited by two elderly people and emergency crews searching beneath the rubble for survivors found the woman's body beneath the fallen roof and concrete roof.Police and Fire Department investigators were still trying to determine whether the explosion was caused by the woman trying to light the stove. Her body was found in the kitchen area of the house.Magen David Adom and police brought the elderly woman's body for an autopsy in order to determine the exact cause of death.The woman's husband, Ya'akov, who was not home at the time of the explosion, arrived at the scene several hours later and appeared to be in shock from the news of his wife's death.Hadera firefighter spokesman David Vanunu told Army Radio that the explosion was caused by a gas leak that filled the house overnight.