Oh my gosh! News that causes you to pause, express shock, excitement or disbelief - weird news, crazy news, fun news.
"A childhood dream comes alive—my little café in the lap of the Himalayas. The Mountain Story—it's a love story," wrote Kangana Ranaut.
Commissioner Goodell: "Expanding to Melbourne underlines our ambitions to become a global sport and accelerate international growth."
Authorities urge motorists to exercise extreme caution on roads known for wildlife crossings and appeal to tourists to maintain distance from wild animals.
Landlords face fines up to €20,000 for non-compliance with new safety standards by October 2025.
The £120 million transformation will create a museum, exhibition hall, and entertainment zone in the Kingsway Exchange Tunnels.
The closure is part of a comprehensive conservation plan executed by the Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco to ensure the safety of tourists and preserve archaeological heritage.
'The eyes of the world are on us,' said a representative of the tourist agency Visit Greenland.
Retail and dining sales rose by 5.4% compared to the previous year, with domestic tourism reaching an all-time high.
Evidence includes eyewitnesses, aerial photographs, and measurements, according to a Bild report.
Tour Rason's top sites and celebrate Kim Jong Il's Birthday in North Korea, Koryo Tours announced.