The attack involved a decade of intelligence collected both by the IDF and the Mossad, as well as a variety of last-minute deceptions.
'Let us demonstrate to the world in the heart of the empire that the path of Resistance is immortal,' the Bronx anti-War Coalition said on Instagram on Saturday.
Statements and speeches at the event have all indicated that Iran’s axis believes that the 'resistance' is not defeated.
Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli airstrike on September 27 when fighter jets dropped some 100 bombs on Hezbollah’s underground headquarters in Beirut.
Nasrallah was killed on September 27 in an Israeli airstrike as he met commanders in a bunker in Beirut's southern suburbs.
After the fall of the Assad regime in early December, Iran has been cut off from a land corridor to re-supply Hezbollah. As such, this funeral is one way they can still show support.
Hezbollah holds funeral for Nasrallah • Katz orders tank operation in the West Bank
This is not what I had in mind when I made my case for the death penalty.
With Israel refusing to fully withdraw from southern Lebanon, President Aoun and PM Salam must navigate between Western support and Hezbollah's growing anger.
Behind the Lines | With Iran's proxies weakened and its air defenses damaged, the time is ripe for Israel to act against Tehran's nuclear program.