Through groundbreaking research, diverse student programs, and unwavering Zionist values, Ariel University is committed to advancing Israel and tackling global challenges.
The Ruppin Academic Center is situated on the focal point of the Israeli coast.
Prof. Wainstock’s research reveals how air pollution, stress, and environmental toxins heighten pregnancy risks and harm male fertility, calling for urgent environmental action.
‘We teach social sustainability,’ says Prof. Aviad Kleinberg, president of Ruppin Academic Center.
Five leaders in Israel’s innovation, health, society and defense industries receive honors for advancing global impact.
As we mark the anniversary of October 7, I recommend that you read one of Prof. Gil Troy’s new publications, linked inside, to equip you with the intellectual arsenal necessary to advocate for Israel
Reichman University’s resilience shines as international students volunteer, stay in Israel during the war, and new students transfer to escape antisemitism.
Combining her vast knowledge, curiosity, and innovative spirit, Prof. Goren is resolved to uncover the Erath’s secrets.
With antisemitism on the rise, ISGAP's Oxford program trains academics to fight prejudice through cutting-edge education.