Contestants wore specialized wrist straps to monitor their sleep and anxiety levels.
With rising awareness of social media's negative effects, people of all ages are seeking to disconnect. Three former heavy users share their experiences.
Israel, now the largest per capita consumer of opioids, faces a rising crisis. Learn about the challenges, responses from health authorities, and the need for improved treatment and prevention.
Clinic Les Alpes, an exclusive rehabilitation center, offers relief for those dealing with substance abuse and behavioral addictions, as well as post-trauma.
A recent report by the Israeli Center for Addiction and Mental Health indicates that two months after the outbreak of the Swords of Iron War, 1 in 4 Israelis uses addictive substances increasingly.
In an era where numerous individuals resort to substances as a coping mechanism for anxiety and depression, what will the impact of the war be?
Stressful situations can tempt ex-smokers to some again, but here are strategies to overcome the urge and stay smoke-free.
Amid the stress of the Israel-Hamas war, the temptation of using drugs and getting hooked on addictive behaviors is a significant concern.
Study finds that processed foods are just as addictive as hard drugs, raising calls for awareness and action on the addictive properties and health risks of everyday snacks.