CLIFTON 9 and MACH 6: Global favorites now tailored for active teens.
Tips from marketing manager Hadar Seginor-Goldstein of Etzmaleh for creating an ideal study space.
A WHO study finds 24% of adolescent girls experience intimate partner violence, with high rates in Oceania and Africa.
As summer vacation approaches, it's time to roll up our sleeves and invest some warmth and love into our teenagers' bedrooms.
Popular Netflix media commonly portrays pain in the context of violence, trivializing other forms of pain that adolescents can experience, such as chronic pains or menstrual pains.
Since the war began, many face mental stress. Maccabi opened addiction treatment clinics due to increased drug use in conflict zones.
Social media use and screen addiction have increased, which may impact adolescent well-being, said the researchers.
What are the manifestations of depression and anxiety in teenagers, what are the causes, and how are they treated?
While mental health emergency visits for adolescents overall during 2022 fell by 11%, poor mental and behavioral health in this age group remains a substantial public health issue.
The man reportedly went into the bedroom of the teenager and attempted to sleep next to her while naked.