Two residents of Beer Sheva were arrested in Israel on suspicion of trying to smuggle 173 iPhones, worth NIS 700,000, in an attempt to evade taxes
The longest flight in the world, from New York to Singapore, is just under 19 hours. In 2025, another world record is expected to be broken in aviation.
It is unclear whether the volume of airport traffic or the emergency response to the earthquake that struck late afternoon on Jan. 1 were factors in the accident.
All 379 passengers and crew on board the Japan Airlines flight were evacuated, but five of the six aboard the Coast Guard plane with which it collided are reported killed.
Incidents at two of America's major airports saw a total of 62 arrests take place as traffic was temporarily halted.
The Jerusalem Post Podcast - Travel Edition, Episode 70
Two planned flights were canceled late on Saturday because of what the foreign affairs department called a "highly challenging" regional situation.
Israel's airstrikes on Syrian airports are "a flagrant violation of Syria’s sovereignty and of the basic principles of international law," Russia said.
The military reservists were preparing to board at least two specially chartered flights to Israel, where they will join a burgeoning war effort.
Haifa Airport had just resumed international flights in June after a four-year hiatus - just a few months before "Air Haifa" opening.