Every effort must be made to preserve stability in the West Bank and Jerusalem and find ways to strengthen the Palestinian Authority.
In Israel, the US has an ally on the front lines of the fight against terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and an emboldened Iran.
When it comes to effective communication, Israelis and Americans differ significantly.
The outgoing Consulate General of Israel in New York penned a farewell letter as he exits his post.
The NYC mayor said Israeli drones are more durable, fly longer distances and are used by Israeli police in more creative ways than by the NYPD.
Santos said Mayor Adams' trip to Israel is nothing more than Adams running away from his responsibility to handle New York City’s newfound migrant crisis.
Top official discusses regional missile defense, the threat from Iran, and US-Israel ups and downs.
Successive presidents have tried to duplicate Carter’s achievement, but only a few have come close to matching the scope of his breakthrough.
As Israeli-Americans find success in this country, they are leaving an indelible mark on New Jersey. It’s time to acknowledge the significant contributions Israelis have made here.
Israelis have a more positive view of the US than Americans by some measures.