The controversy erupted over the event’s original title, “You Feel Like You Are Subhuman: The Genocide of Israel Against the Palestinian People in Gaza,” which some deemed inflammatory.
IB Amnesty International interim chair said that ""AI Israel has sought to publicly discredit Amnesty’s human rights research and positions."
In two cases, software provided by Israeli surveillance company Cellebrite DI Ltd CLBT.O was used to unlock phones prior to infection, the report said.
Readers of The Jerusalem Post have their say.
If Amnesty International wishes to salvage its reputation, it must retract this report and apologize for its reckless accusations
"People are entitled to draw their own conclusions. We disagree with the conclusions of such a report," the State Department Deupty Spokesperson said.
Amnesty International's Israel section argued that the allegation of genocide had not been "sufficiently substantiated."
NGO Monitor said in advance of the publication of the report that the announcement used selective evidence to come to its conclusions.
Amnesty International UK's video accused Israel of enacting apartheid, called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza “and also an end to 76 years of displacement, discrimination and devastation.”
The legal groups claim that Israel is not complying with international law amid the war against Hamas.