"For 57 years there has been no democracy" in the West Bank, Amiram Levin said. "There is absolute apartheid there."
The law, proposed by Social Equality Minister Amichai Chikli and Justice Minister Yariv Levin, makes it so that families will only be allocated one plot of land regardless of how many wives.
The absence of a Palestinian military does not mean that there is an apartheid system, Netanyahu said in reference to the West Bank.
The boycott applies only to formal collaborations with the association itself, and it does not apply to individual Israeli academics.
No matter what new way members of the Squad choose to demonize Israel, we will continue to fight for what is morally right on the streets.
The symbolic measure, endorsed by an overwhelming vote of 412-9 in the US House of Representatives, affirms that Israel "is not a racist or apartheid state."
Muriel Asseburg compared the standards the West used to assess conflict in Ukraine versus in Palestinian territories and accused Israel of "apartheid".