Bedouins, particularly those in unrecognized villages, face unique challenges. The Israeli government views the land they live on as state property.
Israeli leaders must unequivocally clarify that the state does not support racism or violence of any kind, and must work toward promoting equality and dialogue.
While Arab American leaders believed Kamala Harris's absence from Netanyahu's congressional distress was a positive sign, they were hesitant about Jewish Gov. Shapiro as a VP.
Drawing on the eternal spirit of founder Vivian Silver, Ilan Amit, co-director of Ajeec – the Negev Institute, continues his work for the Bedouin sector.
The study emphasized the critical need for rigorous media surveillance and regulatory measures to ensure fair and balanced reporting.
Showing how Israeli religious and non-religious Jews have united during wartime, the study reflected that 18% of Israelis now believed there to be strong conflicts between religious and non-religious
Evidence collection continued using all available means and capabilities to examine the background and circumstances in the expedited investigation.
Israel's Supreme Court defied the state's stance on retaining Walid Daqqah's body, citing humanitarian and legal concerns despite security justifications presented.
The three young men who live nearby at the time planned to throw Molotov cocktails at Arab citizens who were on the beach.
Organizers emphasized that the march was the culmination of continuous collaborative efforts between civil organizations and schools throughout the year to promote common life in the region.