Archaeological Site

Is this the greatest archaeological finding of 2024?

In January 2023, archaeologists discovered lost Amazon cities, home to 10,000 farmers 2,000 years ago, revealing a pre-Columbian civilization in a previously sparsely inhabited area.

Israeli researchers unearth unique Byzantine-era monastery near Kiryat Gat

"The mosaic discovered in Kiryat Gat is one of the most unique ever found in Israel," said Mark Avrahami, Head of Artistic Conservation at the Israel Antiquities Authority.

TAU researchers discover second-century BCE fortress at Ashdod-Yam

Excavations at Ashdod-Yam reveal a second-century BCE fortress destroyed in conflict, the Institute of Archeology at Tel Aviv University reported.

Barbarian warriors carried miniature spoons to snort stimulants before battles, study suggests

Germanic communities could have had access to stimulant plants such as poppy, hops, hemp, henbane, belladonna, and various fungi.

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