the expedition uncovered over ten burials from the 18th Dynasty, indicating that Saqqara was used as a necropolis during the New Kingdom when Memphis was reinstated as the capital of Egypt.
The damaged piece showcases the body of a wild animal at the front, though its head is missing. Behind it, the head of a wild goat has been identified.
Study provides first evidence of different bipedalism styles on same footprint surface, attributed to both species.
The study used hundreds of fossils of well-fed dinosaurs to compare and contrast nutrition dynamics across five vertebrate assemblages of these beasts from the Triassic and Jurassic periods.
Phanagoria's 1st century BCE synagogue was discovered last year, following excavations on the ancient Greek city.
The answer can only be seen from the air.
The Treasure of Villena, discovered in the Valencia region of Spain in, is considered one of the most important collections of prehistoric treasure in Europe, consisting of 66 mostly golden artifacts
The research, identified a tunnel that connected the pyramids of Giza. The tunnel has been identified as an ancient Nile branch, known as the Ahramat.
However, the authenticity of the so-called tridactyl mummies has been widely disputed by the scientific community.
The monument was first documented in 1583 by the English cartographer John Norden, who wrote, "It is called Arthur's Hall".