The individuals involved were brought before the commander of Sayeret Nahal, Col. Oren Simcha, on Sunday to receive final judgment.
Serving in the IDF is something that shapes the lives of Israelis from their mid-teens to middle age. Israeli kids don’t simply leave school, show up at the nearest base, sign on, serve and leave.
Foreign Minister Cohen is visiting Azerbaijan, a Shia Muslim country bordering Iran.
Hypersonic missiles are able fly five times faster than the speed of sound and have complex and varying flight paths, making them hard to intercept.
In Tel Aviv more than 200,000 protestors gathered at Kaplan in Tel Aviv. They lit torches in memory of women who have been murdered.
In the last few months, a series of Russian officials died suspicious deaths after falling out of windows and off ships.
The Israeli Air Force was part of an immediate response to the earthquakes that have claimed thousands of lives in Turkey and Syria.