It is a thought-provoking production, and the costumes, acting, and singing of Verdi’s inspirational music all combine for a memorable experience.
The art up for sale was created by victims of the attacks, family members of those killed, and the hostages themselves.
Eran Shakine's Convergence exhibition at Hezi Cohen Gallery in Tel Aviv explores the impact of digital communication on human relationships through evocative oil paintings of contemporary life.
Although he sings in English, Avidan spoke to the packed theater in Hebrew, telling the audience at the outset that he did not consider his music “escapism.”
Originally performed in an all-girls school in London, the opera could be seen as an educational one, with warnings that young women should not trust men and their promises.
Mira Furth found fulfillment by channeling her skills to teach youngsters about art… and life
Blayer was an intellectual who was fascinated by art, music, and literature, as well as movies.
This week's art roundup includes various galleries and exhibits throughout Israel.
"Ha’amini Yom Yavo," a musical at Habima National Theater, celebrates Yafa Yarkoni's life and legacy, exploring her rise to fame and enduring impact on Israeli culture.
An American-born violinist shows us the sunny side of life.