41,000 Holocaust survivors would also get the help they need from the food stamps.
The state-religious infrastructure has been used systematically to build a political power base.
Most readers believed that the High Court will strike down the law while others thought they would only apply the law from the next Knesset session.
Instead of passing laws that help the people and the nation, its members are focused on helping themselves, or in the case of the chief rabbinate, one of their brothers.
Beret downplayed the personal nature of the bill to prevent it from being canceled, saying that there is a difference between a law that applies personally and a personally motivated law.
The attorney general stated that the Knesset's authority was misused to legally protect Netanyahu.
After negotiations with the political opposition broke down, Israel’s far-right government is forging ahead with its judicial restructuring agenda, albeit more slowly
After WHO, officially, says that the widespread artificial sweetener aspartame may cause certain types of cancer, the Health Ministry reacts by saying there is currently no warning.
The Anti-Corruption Movement (TLM) and the Israeli Movement filed a petition Wednesday morning alongside mayoral candidate Shani Illuz, who had also claimed that she had been offered bribes to quit.
Current Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar's tenure only ends at the end of the 2023, and Deri demanded the delay in order not to decide at the moment which would receive each position.