
The Mizrahi-Ashkenazi divide: The differences in Jewish cuisine

With a diasporic community spreading from Morocco to Iran, it is no surprise that the cuisine that developed in these countries reflects the food cultures around them.


Does Israel still discriminate against Mizrahi Jews?

Are there still gaps between Jews of Mizrahi and Ashkenazi descent in Israel today? And if so, where and how do they manifest themselves?

Germany celebrates UNESCO World Heritage listing for Yiddish and Ashkenazi culture birthplace

The sites in the upper part of the Rhine River valley are known as the origin point of Ashkenazi culture and where the Yiddish language first began to develop over 1,000 years ago.


David Levy and Israel's incomplete Mizrahi revolution - opinion

If Golda Meir broke gender glass ceilings – as, more recently, Amir Ohana has done for gays – in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, Levy was a role model for aspiring Mizrahi politicians.

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