At the Table

Erica Schachne and Maayan Hoffman hold one-on-one, intimate conversations with leading Jerusalem personalities.

  Dan Meridor.

At the table with Dan Meridor: Ex-lawmaker talks Zionism, public service

At the Table: Because he is widely regarded as a figure of integrity, Meridor is frequently interviewed by local and international media on legal and ethical issues.

Jeremy Berkovits: The face of Jerusalem's popular American Colony Hotel

At the table: Maintaining the massive 12,000-square-foot compound amounts to many thousands of shekels a month, and the owners are eager for a return to normalcy.

Michael Dickson: Sitting down with the man who stands for Israel

While the battle before Dickson and generations to come is an uphill one, he has faith that Israel will come out of this more unified and optimistic than ever before.

Mordechai Palzur: The Israeli diplomat who helped form ties with Poland

The improbable road that led Holocaust survivor Mordechai Palzur from Siberia to Iran to the fledgling State of Israel, where he became a sharpshooter and paved the way for relations with Poland.

How Anglo immigrants thrive in Jerusalem's Arnona neighborhood

At the Table: The buildings on Tzvi Noyman and Hashofet Chaim Cohen streets are more than just pleasant domiciles. They have become something of a retiree summer camp.


Talking food, health, and war with Eucalyptus chef Moshe Basson

The longtime proprietor of one of Jerusalem’s most dynamic restaurants, shares his musings on life, war, and everything in between.

Heavy metal, radiant heart: The art of Jerusalem silversmith Sari Srulovitch

At the Table: Sari has participated in a number of exhibitions, including at the Israel Museum, where she contributed silver Torah shields and pointers.

Tmol Shilshom, the Jerusalem restaurant beloved by writers, turns 30

At the Table: Tmol Shilshom has been around for 30 years. That’s three full decades of dogged survival through thick and thin and everything that has been thrown at it.

Nobel Prize laureate: Israel must reoccupy Gaza Strip

At the Table: Prof. Yisrael (Robert) Aumann, who won the Nobel Prize for work on conflict, cooperation through game-theory, said Israel should establish military presence in Gaza.

Inside ICC Jerusalem, a vision for innovation and global connections

At the Table: An Israeli wine festival. An international dance festival. Eurovision. These are just a few significant events held at the ICC, which is coming up on its 75th anniversary.

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