In the 1970s, a working-class British couple brought the vase to 'Going for a Song', where it was evaluated as a fake by an expert.
Some experts question the tablet's authenticity and its purported dating between 300 and 800 CE.
The slab’s text follows traditional Christian and Jewish biblical verses, though without the third commandment admonishing against taking the name of the Lord in vain.
There are only 17 known specimens of the aureus that Brutus struck in his own glory.
The Prince, represents Machievelli’s efforts to guide political action based on history’s lessons and his personal experience as a Florence foreign secretary.
Only 3,789 of these $20 Double Eagle coins were produced, and experts estimate that just 40 to 50 of these rare coins still exist.
The piece first gained attention when it was presented at Art Basel Miami Beach in 2019, where it was originally priced at $120,000.
The 18-carat Tiffany & Co. watch was presented to Rostron by three women survivors, including Madeleine Astor, in gratitude for his bravery in rescuing survivors after the Titanic sank in 1912.
Anonymous buyer plans to donate the skeleton to a museum, says auction house.