Avigdor Liberman

Head of rightist Yisrael Beiteinu party. Former Foreign Minister, who resigned following corruption charges.
 Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visits the IDF's Southern Command, June 2, 2024

Gallant applauded as he votes against his coalition's haredi draft law

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant defied his party and coalition, voting against an old haredi draft bill approved by the Knesset.

'This is exactly what Sinwar, Nasrallah, and Iran were aiming for': MKs react to Gantz's gov. exit

Opposition leaders, including Yair Lapid and Avigdor Liberman, welcomed the decision, while Labor leader Yair Golan criticized the timing, calling it too late of a decision.

The end of Bibism: The journey to toppling the Netanyahu government starts today

Establishing a home for disillusioned Likud and right-wing voters with Liberman, Sa'ar, and Bennett.


'Iran planning a Holocaust for us within two years,' Liberman says

Former defense minister Avigdor Liberman warned that Iran's axis plans to attack Israel from all fronts within two years.

Who will succeed Netanyahu as his era comes to an end?

As the Netanyahu era approaches its end, a collection of aspiring successors all claim to possess the “understanding mind” that millions of Israelis think Netanyahu has lost. 

 Yisrael Beytenu chairman MK Avigdor Liberman speaks at the Knesset in Jerusalem on May 20, 2024

Saudi using Israeli peace as cover for its nuclear program - Liberman

“It is the wrong thing to do for the State of Israel because the core of the agreement is the approval Israel gives to the Saudi nuclear program."

Liberman: Netanyahu inclined to declare Palestinian state

Liberman accuses Netanyahu of harboring a substantial but undisclosed plan that includes commitments to a Palestinian state and a nod to a Saudi nuclear initiative.


Israeli Right slam gov't decision to allow foreign observer visits for imprisoned Nukhba terrorists

The British government asked for the visits to be held as part of a procedure designed to determine whether there was justification for imposing an arms embargo on Israel.


Gantz or Bennett might be the next Prime Minister, according to N13 new poll

A News 13 poll indicates National Unity Party led by Benny Gantz wins 30 seats if elections held today. Likud strengthens slightly; Yesh Atid receives 15 seats.

Liberman: Netanyahu trying to avoid responsibility for October 7

Avigdor Liberman accused Netanyahu of seeking Palestinian state recognition, blaming him for the October 7 incident to distract from the Saudi agreement.

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