Avigdor Liberman

Liberman lambasts Israel's cabinet: This is not how to run a war

In a fiery interview, MK Liberman criticized the conduct of the war cabinet, claiming that members are engaging in struggles for power and ego.

By 103FM
 An Israeli soldier prays next to an ultra orthodox Jewish man at the Western Wall, in Jerusalem

'Israel needs you:' Ultra-Orthodox Jews needed in the IDF, Smotrich says

"A great deal of Torah and fear of God is possible, along with responsibility, carrying a burden, and military service. We will do it together, and we are determined to do it."

As IDF soldiers fight on, Israeli parties call to cancel Knesset spring recess

The decision could also have political implications. One way Netanyahu's opponents are attempting to bring down the government is by having the Knesset pass a bill to disperse itself.

'Dermer promised the Saudis a Palestinian state': Liberman hits back at government

Liberman, chairman of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, criticized the government's budget plan and raised concerns that cabinet member Dermer made commitments to the Saudis about a Palestinian state.


Israeli government officials slam chief rabbi's threat of haredi exodus

Yair Lapid lambasted the chief rabbi’s remarks on Sunday, stating, “Rabbi Yosef's words are an insult and disgrace to the IDF soldiers who risk their lives to defend the country."

Amb. Erdan 'on the plane back to Israel for consultations,' FM Katz says

Katz cites the refusal of the UN Security Council to discuss the reports of Hamas's sexual abuse * Liberman galls Guterres a "hypocritical and antisemitic man."

Smotrich – Gantz is the government's 'weak link'

The US administration wishes to drive a wedge between the government and Israeli society using Gantz, says Smotrich. Knesset discusses the issue of the haredi IDF draft on Monday.

Yisrael Beytenu leader MK Avigdor Liberman and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

'A gift to Israel': Liberman calls for elections for first time since October 7

The level of distrust and political maneuvering meant that "the government has exhausted its potential," and that it was time for an election, Liberman said.

Ashdod Mayor will try to overcome a surprising duo, Ramat Gan Mayor fights for second term

Facing Ashdod's incumbent mayor, Yechiel Lasri, are the duo Shimon Katznelson and Barak Seri.


Haredim should join the IDF, but coercion will not work, Shas source says

According to the source, there are many young haredi men who are not studying in yeshivot, and can provide much needed manpower for the IDF without it even having to draft yeshiva students.

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