This week is Sherut Leumi week, in which the efforts of 18,000 young men and women are recognized as vital to Israel's positive achievements.
The Lifetime Achievements Awards are given by the ACUM Board of Directors for the recipient's contribution to Israeli music and culture.
"The Zone of Interest" centers on Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss and his family as they set up a life next to the Auschwitz death camp.
This award was given to Gurevich while Russia is currently at war with Ukraine and a very sensitive time for Jews in Russia.
Decolonizing psychiatry is a movement and framework aimed at challenging and transforming the Western-centric approaches and assumptions that dominate the field of psychiatry.
The Doña Gracia Prize is an annual award given for outstanding achievements that represent, defend, and promote the universal values of Judaism.
At the final event, former US President Bill Clinton made an appearance alongside senior officials from the Clinton Global Foundation.