
Potentially harmful bacteria found in Mehadrin Materna baby formula

The company removed the product from shelves and cleaned the factory under the supervision of the Health Ministry.

The secret to healing what ails you lies within your own DNA

Revolutionizing infectious disease treatment: A breakthrough in personalized medicine

A Tel Aviv University ‘breakthrough’ discovery could lead to personalized medicine for infectious diseases.

More polluted than a toilet? Here are the toxins living in your bed

The amount of bacteria accumulating on your pillowcase can be astounding. Here's why your pillowcases should be washed more often than they probably are.

Is your pillow hiding more bacteria than a toilet seat?

A recent report sheds light on the alarming amount of bacteria that accumulates on pillowcases and emphasizes the importance of washing pillowcases regularly in order to maintain good hygiene.

Unclean dentures could raise pneumonia risk, a new study finds

Despite advances in denture biomaterials, the majority of dentures are fabricated using polymethyl-methacrylate to which pathogens stick easily.

Is your child suffering from stomach pain? Here’s what could be causing it

Kids often complain about stomach pain. In most cases, it's caused by a virus but sometimes, recurrent attacks are symptomatic of other diseases.


Scientists find evidence of the bubonic plague in Bronze Age England - study

Researchers were able to demonstrate that the plague was present in England well before the widely-known Black Plague outbreak of the Middle Ages.

Early evidence of dysentery plague found in biblical-era Jerusalem toilets

The researchers see it as likely that dysentery outbreaks due to Giardia plagued towns throughout the near east in the Iron Age.

Climate change fuels lifespan of flesh-eating bacteria - study

Recent research has uncovered that infections caused by the bacteria Vibrio vulnificus has increased in the last three decades.

Antibiotics may not help survival of patients hospitalized with viral infections -study

The sicker patients and those with more underlying illnesses were both more likely to get antibiotics and to die.

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