Since humor plays a prominent role in our lives, understanding the cognitive and neural mechanisms of humor is regarded as very important.
The findings revealed significant IQ improvement among the 12 adults after four-and-a-half years of participation in post-secondary education.
Institutions of higher learning in the West are being overshadowed by those in China, which is investing huge sums in teaching and research.
The dependency between the power network and its communication system led to cascading failures and abrupt collapse.
The members of Zehu Ze! began performing together on the government broadcasting channel in 1978 and continued until 1998, then returning during the pandemic.
The strike on Monday will be followed by similar strikes in two or three universities per day throughout the rest of the week.
Rabbi Prof. Zecharia Dor-Shav (Dershowitz) is a retired professor from Bar-Ilan University, an author and speaker, uncle to renowned US lawyer Alan Dershowitz.