A clear double standard exists, whereby for anti-Israel terrorists, Wikipedia frequently buries the devils in the details and places the burden on readers to find them.
If Israel is not even given the benefit of the doubt by the international media when it microtargets terrorists, it is safe to herald that coverage of this war will continue to be extremely biased.
Researchers identified a total of 1,553 breaches of the BBC’s editorial guidelines, which demand impartiality, accuracy, and adherence to editorial values and the public interest.
The total number of BBC editorial breaches, including impartiality, accuracy, editorial values, and public interest, was 1,553.
Once considered a pro-Israel breath of fresh air, the Journal’s news coverage of Israel and its current war has become increasingly problematic.
Videos boosted by the platform included those saying Zionism is Nazism and that Hamas is not a terrorist organization.
The Washington Post displayed a misleading headline and caption uncovering a deep anti-Israel bias and has yet to retract its mistake.
The reporting on Hezbollah’s strike revealed an appalling media double standard.
'What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.' (The prophet Micah, 6:8)
Given the stakes in this hot war being waged by the UN against Israel, the failure to take strong action could be very costly.