The Washington Post displayed a misleading headline and caption uncovering a deep anti-Israel bias and has yet to retract its mistake.
The reporting on Hezbollah’s strike revealed an appalling media double standard.
'What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.' (The prophet Micah, 6:8)
Given the stakes in this hot war being waged by the UN against Israel, the failure to take strong action could be very costly.
Campaigns that aimed at raising October 7 attack awareness were banned by TikTok, claiming they were “political,” while Palestinian well-paid ads related to the war had been approved.
The court's reluctance to acknowledge Israel's self-defense claims stands in sharp contrast to its handling of previous cases, like that of Bosnia and Herzegovina's case against Serbia.
The current makeup of the UN does not bode well for Israel where, time and again, its General Assembly votes against the one Jewish state, the author explains.
Voters justify misinformation and disregard facts if it fits their political leaning.
The NPR editor's colleagues argued his critique was unfair and inaccurate, pointing to several discrepancies.
The CMI's researchers allegedly have strong connections with UNRWA, have worked to justify the October 7 attacks, have pro-Palestinian agendas, and have even interviewed Hamas and PIJ members.