
Parashat Vayigash: Salvation is near

Many times, salvation is not complicated at all. It is already here, right before our eyes.

Parashat Miketz: Joseph, the master of ‘provention’

The Torah reminds us of a slower tempo. That cadence can enhance our ability to act more long term and proactively, as we face so many dilemmas, to be more like Joseph and practice “provention.”

Parashat Vayeshev: The mystery of redemption

Even when it seems that everything is deteriorating and that evil is triumphing over good, beneath the surface – in the hidden realm – the world is steadily advancing in one direction.

Parashat Vayeshev: Joseph and Judah's odysseys to leadership

Joseph and Judah each embark on their own personal odysseys toward leadership.

IDF allows visitors to see 'burning bush' on Mt. Karkom, but what is it?

The military noted it would open the area, habitually an IDF fire zone, on December 20-21.

A Jewish person holds Tehillim, the book of Psalms, seeking solace in prayer on Memorial Day

Parashat Vayishlach: Prayer – A connection with the creator

True prayer begins with gratitude, which reflects trust and acknowledgment of God’s greatness. Then, it elaborates on every concern and worry.

 A scene from 'David the Servant King.'

'David the Servant King': A biblical musical on King David for women

As the war continues, the message and hope conveyed by this concert, planned for the Shalva National Center in Jerusalem on December 19, becomes more relevant and necessary.

Parashat Vayetze: A ladder on the Earth

The ladder symbolizes the mission of a Jew: to ascend and elevate, to sanctify the physical, and to uplift the mundane toward the sublime.

Parashat Vayetze: Light in dark times

To try, to fall, to fear, and yet to keep going: that is what it takes to be a leader. That was Jacob, the man who at the lowest ebbs of his life had his greatest visions of heaven. 


Why God Loves The Blues

Kabbalah of Information, the structure of Creation, Soul and Blues.

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