“There are many points of comparison between Srebrenica and October 7."
The two Balkan nations have fractious ties, punctuated by occasional flare-ups of violence, with Serbia refusing to recognize the independence of its former province.
It’s one thing for the newspaper to have conducted such an interview, ill-advised though it may have been. It is entirely another to have gone ahead with its publication knowing his views.
The event took place Sunday at the Srebrenica Memorial Center, a museum marking the massacre of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys
The flyover came on the eve of Republika Sprska Day, a separatist holiday unrecognized by the Constitutional Court of Bosnia.
The Israel Premier League was also back in action for the first time since the start of the war.
After undergoing thorough medical check-ups at the Sarajevo airport, the evacuees reunited with their families and friends who were anxiously waiting for them.
“I wanted to tell a story about Jews and Muslims coexisting peacefully and happily, and helping one another, which is the narrative that we don’t really hear,” Sabina Vajrača said.
The legacy of the Dayton Agreement, which was meant to be a beacon of hope for conflict resolution, now teeters on the brink of irrelevance.
Israel just came up short against a tough squad with veteran NBA experience.