
Just one hour in polluted air can impair your brain, researchers warn

Impaired selective attention from air pollution may make daily tasks more difficult, researchers say.

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Chronic stress raises brain noise: Why Israelis might shout louder

Could chronic stress explain why some Israelis shout louder?

New evidence confirms prehistoric brain cannibalism in Poland's Maszycka Cave

Advanced 3D microscopy revealed cut marks on 68% of bones, indicating cannibalism.

How to overcome instinctive fear? Researchers find fear-overriding brain mechanism in mice

The discovery may lead to new treatments for fear-related disorders such as phobias, anxiety, and PTSD.

A spoonful of microplastics: Study finds brains accumulate 30 times more than other organs

Researchers analyzed 91 brain samples from deceased individuals, finding plastic particles in all, with higher concentrations than in the liver and kidneys.

Neuroscientists record dying brain activity, suggesting a replay of life memories

Dr. Zemmar's team observed gamma oscillations involved in memory retrieval just before and after cardiac arrest.

Autism, epilepsy meet next-gen medicine with Israel’s brain chip innovation

Brain organoids developed in Israel for testing and repurposing a wide variety of existing drugs to see if they could treat autism, schizophrenia, epilepsy, and more

Paralyzed man, 69, flies virtual drone with thoughts in brain-computer study

Participant says controlling the virtual drone felt like playing a musical instrument, evoking activity and socialization.

Study reveals optimal home temperature for elderly brain health

Likelihood of attention difficulties doubles when home temperatures deviate from 68-75°F range.

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