Even waiting until age 40 can be risky, as recent studies have shown high breast cancer mortality rates for women in that age group.
This is especially the case for young people who might never have had a family member or friend diagnosed with cancer before.
When I posted the news about my diagnosis I was stunned by the number of friends my age who sent me messages to tell me they had gone through the same thing.
Ovarian cancer isn't considered common, but in many cases it's fatal. Due to vague symptoms, this cancer is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage and is hard to treat.
Has a drug been found that reduces the risk of breast cancer and makes mastectomy unnecessary? Israel is one of 8 countries taking part in this unique first-of-its-kind pilot
Many studies have shown that the foods in the Mediterranean diet are the best ones to eat to help prevent various health problems, and some have shown the opposite.
“Our motivation in moving to Israel was to make an Israeli innovation. Israel is the start-up nation, and we wanted to be a part of it", says Dr. Larissa Adamyan, ThermoMind co-founder.
A combination of cellular and structural biology advances the fight against breast cancer in a way never before possible.