CAIR calls on Biden to demand Israel release Ahed Tamimi

CAIR and its members have been at the center of a host of different controversies regarding antisemitism.


No ceasefire in Gaza, no votes, Muslim Americans tell Biden

The National Muslim Democratic Council called on Biden to use his influence with Israel to broker a ceasefire by 5 p.m. ET (2100 GMT) on Tuesday.


CAIR ignores murder of 900 Jews, but claims to be combating antisemitism - analysis

How can CAIR stand against antisemitism when they don't acknowledge or condemn the killing of hundreds of Jews?


Antisemitism controversy surrounds CAIR's claims against Israel in Jenin

CAIR national executive director Nihad Awad said that he "strongly condemn the war crimes that Benjamin Netanyahu’s racist government is committing against Palestinian civilians in...Jenin."


The United States: An example of how to not combat antisemitism - opinion

KNOW COMMENT: The US should scrub programs that indirectly subsidize antisemitism.

Lipstadt: Aware of CAIR's antisemitic past, giving them a chance to overcome

Lipstadt's Combating Antisemitism Strategy was criticized for including CAIR despite it being known for its antisemitism and anti-Israel comments.


Why did the White House have antisemitic org in its antisemitism plan? - analysis

CAIR is a self-declared Muslim civil rights and advocacy group headquartered in Washington that has been accused of being antisemitic and supporting Hamas.

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