Sanna Sokol, a renowned dancer from "Dancing with the Stars," will be the face of SCOOP Shoes for the Fall-Winter 2024/25 season. Sokol will receive NIS 150,000 for her participation in the campaign.
From a former Biden field organizer: Why pro-Israel organizations should employ field teams to change hearts and minds on Israel.
Italian tuna brand Rio Mare introduces the 'Insalatissime' series, offering quick meals perfect for both home and on-the-go dining.
Channel 13 News reporter Neria Kraus called the assassination attempt a 'trump card' for Trump to use during the upcoming elections.
New Schweppes alcoholic cocktail campaign with NIS 3 million investment. Emphasizing "drink different" message in a homely setting. Schwops cocktails ready to drink at home.
Haven't booked a vacation abroad yet? Tel Aviv calls you to spend the big vacation in the city non-stop. Book a hotel in July for 1+1 tours, a surprise box, and more!
The Israeli tech company Papaya unveils its inaugural recruitment campaign featuring Ron Shahar. The campaign airs during the new season of "The Amazing Race."
Rihanna and A$AP Rocky’s children star in their first campaign for Bottega Veneta’s Father’s Day tribute, marking a sweet debut for the celebrity babies.
Kornowski teams up with red-haired actress Bar Miniely in a new summer campaign to promote the Tapuzina Waves series. The total campaign budget for 2024 is expected to be NIS 4 million.
The lingerie brand will invest NIS 1.5 million in the campaign, while the car importer will invest NIS 3.5 million.