Pope Francis condemned the refusal to aid migrants crossing the Mediterranean and called for global migration governance based on justice and solidarity.
The Vatican document stressed the need to "give fuller recognition" to women in the Church, saying that "by virtue of Baptism, they enjoy full equality".
The conventional measures of institutional prestige cannot provide two vital pieces of information: What does an institution teach, and what kind of students does it attract?
The survey also uncovered notable demographic shifts and regional variations within the US Catholic community.
As part of his diplomatic efforts, Francis also met last November with a group of Palestinians affected by the conflict.
Francis has repeatedly deplored the death and destruction in the Gaza war.
"We should never forget that war is always a defeat," Pope Francis said.
"I have asked that studies be carried out into this ugly ideology of our times, which cancels out the differences and makes everything the same," the pope said.
According to Christian tradition, Jesus was crowned with thorns on the day of his crucifixion. The thorns were meant to mock him for claiming to be the "king of the Jews."
He also stressed that such blessings do not amount to formal Church approval for same-sex unions.