
As the challah dough rises our unity grows

As the challah dough rises, it becomes a sign to each and every one of us of the growth of that unity.


Animal therapy makes a difference for children from Sderot. Here is how

Animal-based therapy is one of the services offered by the Sderot Resilience Center supported by KKL-JNF. After October 7, the need for it has soared.

Meet the 'Challah Prince:' Bringing light, love, carbs to the table

The complete guide to Idan Chabasov's challah making.


Parashat Shelah: The many braids of challah

Just as the history of hafrashat (taking) challah has had different chapters in its long existence, we find the same with challah, the bread served on Shabbat. 

Shavuot: Making bread out of milk and honey

By contrast with Shabbat and all the other festivals where meat is the mainstay, Shavuot is specifically dairy.


Teller Bakery: The crux of the Jerusalem bread renaissance

Israel is filled with bakeries and patisseries, all providing fresh, delicious options. In Jerusalem, one stands out at the crux of it all: Teller Bakery.

Tom Hanks includes this surprising Jewish food in his favorites

Tom Hanks only makes French toast with kosher Challah from a Jewish bakery.

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