child abuse

Child abuse

Some child abuse victims' brains protect them from addictions - study

The body's endocannabinoid system produces a chemical that alters brain activity when exposed to stress.

Russian girl who drew anti-war picture collected from orphanage by her mother

"[The mother] has already taken Masha from the social rehabilitation center," she said. "Let's hope that everything will work out for mom and daughter" - Maria Lvova-Belova

Young ultra-orthodox women ride through Hayarkon Park in Tel Aviv.

A fake reality show trailer shines light on the real issue of child marriage

The video was produced for Unchained At Last, a nonprofit that’s been battling forced and child marriages for the past 12 years.


Cigarettes distributed to Haredi children on Purim

The Israel Cancer Association denounced the distribution of cigarettes to children at a Purim gathering of Hassidim with their rabbi in the city of El’ad.

Sderot preschool teacher indicted for hundreds of counts of child abuse

Suisa had 18 children in her care and was found to be responsible for hundreds of instances of physical and mental abuse toward them. 

ISIS women using 13-year-old boys as sex slaves to breed new fighters - opinion

Some refuse to accept Caliphate's territorial defeat and seek to bear it more children – using pubescent boys within the camps as sexual partners.

Storm clouds pass over a Roman Catholic church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S. August 14, 2018

Widespread child abuse by Catholic Church members in Portugal is tip of iceberg - report

77% of the perpetrators were priests and most of the victims were boys.

Storm clouds pass over a Roman Catholic church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S. August 14, 2018

Widespread child abuse by Catholic Church members in Portugal is tip of iceberg - report

77% of the perpetrators were priests and most of the victims were boys.


Israeli daycare assistant who abused toddlers gets early release

Liraz Natan, was an assistant to Carmel Mauda, who ran a daycare center in Rosh Ha'ayin where they engaged in several acts of abuse against toddlers.

Israeli daycare abuse: Mother, daughter get 5.5 years for striking kids

Footage shows how the caretakers abused the children by violently tugging their hair back and forth, pushing them to the ground, striking them, flinging them in the air and smacking them on the head.

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