Despite a decrease in tourists and tempered celebrations, Christians gathered at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem's Old City for prayer and commemoration.
While Israel continues to receive threats from terrorists and protesters, Christian Zionists continue to show up for Israel.
Pastors and rabbis stand together on Capitol Hill
The two main suspects were foreign nationals, one from Tajikistan and the other Russian, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said previously.
The idea that Israeli soldiers are so weak that they’ll sell their souls for a helmet is an insult to the intelligence of the IDF.
Sergeant-Major (Sgt.-Maj.) Urija Bayer was a Christian combat soldier in the IDF who lost his life in battle on Sunday. He was proud to serve in the IDF and defend Israel.
Christians around the world stand against antisemitism in rallies and embrace the bond that they share with Jewish people.
The fire happened in a Christian town that has been recovering since the war on ISIS. ISIS expelled Christians from Mosul, Nineveh, and Christian towns like Hamdaniya.
The Tourism Ministry-led forum included leaders from across Israel's government and focused on the recent spike in attacks against Christians in the historic Old City.
Dozens of incidents, ranging from spitting to vandalism to assault, have been committed by extremist Jews against Christians and their sites this year.