A 3,500-year-old trench found in Jerusalem's City of David reveals the city's northern fortification, resolving a 150-year-old debate.
In that spirit, when we sing “Jerusalem of Gold,” some thank God, some praise the IDF, others get Zionist goosebumps, but all rally around Jerusalem.
“This is an unusual and deeply moving find, not one found every day,” the IAA stated in their announcement.
The City of David remains a captivating blend of archaeological wonder and contemporary life, offering visitors a compelling journey through layers of civilizations.
Dice are the oldest gaming implement known to man. Six-sided die, as the one uncovered in the City of David, dates back to about 2000 BCE
The discovery is now on exhibit at the Israel Museum, and it shows evidence of the destruction of Jerusalem 2,000 years ago.
Ceramic tiles brought here at the time of the Greek Seleucid king Antiochus IV – of the Hanukkah story – have been discovered in the City of David.
Archaeologists assume two canal systems found near Temple Mount and the City of David were used as part of a production facility.
The Dead Sea and Jerusalem are on The Travel's list of the top 10 best places to visit in the Middle East.
The artifact was found along the Pilgrimage Road that connects the City of David to the Temple Mount and is a snapshot of the bustling commercial life in biblical Israel.