According to former Shin Bet director Ami Ayalon, the challenge facing Israel is to "channel all of that energy into a resolution."
The two protagonists in the power struggle are Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, head of the SAF, and his deputy in the military but also leader of the RSF, General Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo.
Libya is deeply divided and even factions aligned with the same leader have longstanding disputes with each other. Although calm has been restored, the threat of violence remains high.
Niger is one of the least prosperous countries in the world, but has critical strategic value for several reasons.
What Yemen needs is a return to a unified structure, democratic elections, and an inclusive government. It does not need a return to two states.
A mystery weapon fell from the sky in Amhara, its effects were devastating
If the Israeli center can keep the nation intact, then there is hope of escaping destruction and achieving reconciliation.
The more Israelis are pushed and browbeaten into a system that seeks to repress and strong-arm their will as well as take away their freedoms and choices, 58% of them will feel the intimidation.
49% of respondents said they were concerned the IDF's readiness would be harmed after the approval of the readiness standard law.
A majority of Israelis (55%) polled are interested in a return to talks on the judicial reform.