
Long-Term care insurance crisis: No bids in general tender

Long-term care funds of health funds unprofitable, no insurance offers for Clalit tender. Financial security of insured in peril due to lack of submissions, worsening industry crisis.


Understanding Israel’s healthcare system: Q&A for new immigrants

The following is a brief overview of the Israeli health system. "The Israeli healthcare system is a robust blend of public and private services, ensuring high-quality medical care for all residents"


Health fund cannot refuse your request for services, says Knesset

Many health fund members have been turned down for such services without being given any explanation and details about how to complain to appeals committees.

 Success for Sanolla's smartscope

Sanolla demonstrated 2x sensitivity in diagnosing a cardiac problem in patients with no relevant medical history compared to an acoustic stethoscope.

Finance Ministry: Raise of minimum wage 'will lead to our collapse'

The long meeting discussed the effect of the minimum wage on the functioning of hospitals run by non-profit organizations.

Mental health in Israel: One in three may suffer post-trauma disorders

About 30% of the population may develop post-trauma disorders in the next few months.

War in Israel creating deficit crisis for health funds

Expenses to treat members of the four health funds during the war will deepen the health funds’ deficits significantly more than in normal times.

Kupat Holim Meuhedet

For the next two months, it will not be possible to switch to a different health fund

The freeze will allow doctors to engage only in the provision of urgent services and allow consultation and treatment by a primary physician and specialists.

 Rami Zerneger for Clalit Healthcare Services

Israelis tired of rolling up sleeves are rejecting new needed COVID-19, Flu vaccines

With a new Covid variant and Jewish High Holidays around the corner, Israelis are being reminded to head for their annual vaccinations.

New Israeli/American research supports benefit of remote medical services to reduce hospital visits

Telemedicine reduces the need for patients to rush to crowded emergency rooms by 20% without harming quality of care.

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