code of ethics

 Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff

'Ethics at the Center': Jewish ethics and its relevance for our time

This is a highly relevant book for our time, for scholars and laypersons alike, who are concerned with leading a moral life as people and as peoples.


Ethically bankrupt: The US needs to take a serious look at corrupt courts

The Congress and president must share blame for not demanding – and imposing, if necessary – higher standards on US courts.

Bar-Ilan scientists pioneer use of worms rather than rats to model human muscle diseases

Instead of testing rodents that display species-related differences and present ethical and budgetary concerns Bar-Ilan University researchers develop innovative new method.

To decide not to decide: Kicking the can down the road in Gaza

The IDF needs to ask itself tough questions about breaches of protocol – not after the war, but right now.


There should be a time limit for a donor's name on a building - opinion

While those who invest their dollars in Jewish causes should without question be appreciated and applauded, putting names on our buildings specifically has not necessarily had a positive effect.


Good intentions, bad outcomes: Path to AI runs through strong governance

The AI deployment landscape is ripe for innovation, the author explains.


NYT journalist accused of infiltrating into Israel on Oct. 7 wins award

The organization said they won for “chronicling Israel’s bombardment and invasion of their homeland, Gaza. The two photographed the conflict from its opening hours on Oct. 7."

 JACOB WRESTLES with the angel of Esau as painted in 1659 by Rembrandt.

How can Jews keep their faith amid the Israel-Hamas war?

While we may be unsure as to why we have crises, we are certain that we will somehow overcome them.

Bach, Beatles, or hip-hop? Study links music tastes to inner moral compass

The study involved a dataset of over 1,400 participants who completed psychometric questionnaires assessing their moral values and provided information about their favorite artists.

The struggle to live up to an ethic of Jewish power - opinion

The majority of Jews were mature enough to realize that we must give up the self-righteousness of being victims.

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