Kensington Palace said the photo had been taken by her husband, heir to the throne Prince William, last week.
When weighing effective strategies to fight the current wave of Jew-hatred, consistently demanding social media accountability is crucial.
I need those Jewish space lasers to be real. Because if Israel goes to war with Lebanon using the same methods we used in Gaza, we will lose. But Israelis have been working on just that.
Gotliv was quick to respond, saying that "Bressler missed the limelight" and reminded the public that her "immunity is substantial and enshrined in law."
The Network Contagion Research Institute found that TikTok, Reddit, and 4chan hashtags accusing Israel of staging, or misleading narratives, about October 7 were tripled in the weeks after the attack.
While the tunnels breathed new life into old antisemitic conspiracies, the reality was that a group of students had decided to take 770's expansion into their own hands.
In the days following the bombings, the plot thickened when the events of that day became clearer: It was all executed by the Islamic regime.
West claimed that the Rothschilds and Zionists ran the schools and hospitals.
Close to 900 Canadians completed the survey and the researchers found that this tool could be used to gauge trust in government as a barometer of public support for health initiatives.
Over 40% of Jews living in the UK reported feeling threatened by the widespread belief in conspiracies aimed at them.